.. _gsoc-ideas-rtos-microkernel-improvements:
RTOS/microkernel imporvements
These project ideas focus on growing open source for microcontrollers with a
specific focus on better understanding of computer systems and co-processing
in a heterogeneous, asymmetrical multiprocessor system where Linux is the
typical kernel used on the system coordination portion of the system.
.. card::
:fas:`timeline;pst-color-secondary` **RTEMS on RISC-V**
- **Goal:** Add RISC-V-based PolarFire SoC support to RTEMS RTOS
- **Hardware Skills:** RISC-V
- **Software Skills:** C, RTOS
- **Possible Mentors:** Joel Sherrill, jkridner
- **Expected Size of Project:** 350 hrs
- **Rating:** Medium
- **Upstream Repository:** `https://git.rtems.org `_
- **References:**
- `Issue on RTEMS tracker `_
:bdg-success:`Medium priority` :bdg-success:`Medium complexity` :bdg-danger-line:`Large size`
.. card::
:fas:`timeline;pst-color-secondary` **Zephyr on R5/M4F (K3)**
- **Goal:** Add Zephyr RTOS support to the R5/M4F cores in the J721E/AM62 SoC
- **Hardware Skills:** R5/M4F
- **Software Skills:** C, RTOS
- **Possible Mentors:** NishanthMenon, Vaishnav Achath
- **Expected Size of Project:** 350 hrs
- **Rating:** Medium
- **Upstream Repository:** https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr
- **References:**
- `J721E TRM `_
- `AM62 TRM `_
:bdg-success:`Medium priority` :bdg-success:`Medium complexity` :bdg-danger-line:`Large size`